Wednesday, November 17, 2010

County Events Day! Demonstrations and Illustrated Talks

Ms. Renee' What is the difference between a demonstration or an illustrated talk?

That is an excellent question by one of our kids in the Horse Project.  Let me see if I can clarify.
They are both in the same category of competition for County Events Day.  And both are pretty similar.  Basically they both come under the broad category of visual presentation.

In a demonstration you are demonstrating how to do something or showing how to make something.
In an Illustrated Talk you are using objects or visuals to tell your story.

Think about it.  Can anyone comment on ideas they have to show the difference between the two? or examples of Illustrated Talks compared to Demonstrations?

Remember!  Either Way!  Both are presented under the broad topic of Visual Presentations.  Demonstrations/Illustrated Talks.

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